Life is a Job – and why that’s awesome.


Sometimes all it takes is a good book to get you thinking a bit differently.

One of my favorite books to get through hard times? The Upside of Trauma, by Jim Rendon.

Another book that has helped me is Life’s Little Detours – I’ve written many times before about my own “Beautiful Detour” – if life had gone on the path we had planned for ourselves, wouldn’t we have missed the flowers along the way?

So understandably, seeing this title stopped me in my tracks!

One last book I’d like to share with you is Embracing Uncertainty – a book that made the phrase Feel the fear and do it anyway a household phrase – well at least in MY household!

My life was the epitome of uncertainty for years.  Think about it.  I lost my stomach, doctors didn’t know when or IF I’d ever be able to eat or drink again.  *Non-stomach growling here* I had to make it from day to day just believing that some kind of miracle could happen.

Sometimes life is a job.  You don’t always feel like going to work – even if you love what you do.  Sometimes you’re just tired.  But you’ve got to show up.  You know why you applied in the first place.  And doing what you love can be so rewarding.

So today, LIVE what you love.  It’s a job.  And it won’t always be the funnest thing in the world – but you’ll get your paycheck sooner or later.

What are some books that have changed your life?  Definitely send me a comment – I need some good reads!

I’m just now starting to work on a book of my own.  It will have my crazy story in it, but only to enhance my message – I want to show how we all deserve to share our stories, and not only do we deserve to, it is our right.  It’s how we heal, how we feel, and how we connect with ourselves and to each other.

That is what creativity means to me – telling, sharing, writing, art-ing, dancing, breathing, living, going to work at YOURLIFE Inc.

So put on your work clothes and show up!  IT’s a job.  And jobs can be oh so rewarding   Remember – it’ll be casual Friday before ya know it!

Learning that in the studio…

I started creating inchies years ago as a way to do small little artworks when I didn’t want to commit to a huge canvas and soon it became an obsession.

Interested in prints or cards?

I made some inchies today just for fun – I wanted to create the lil’ girly girl in me.

Now that I’m selling so many inchies, I don’t always feel like making them.


But that’s okay.  Sometimes you don’t have to always feel “inspired” to do your job.  Maybe just by showing up, you’ll get there.  If you act healthy, you’ll feel healthy.  Sometimes you gotta fake it till ya make it – that goes for work, creativity AND life.

Making art in the hospital – who needs a studio?

I wrote for the Huffington Post on why I don’t like the idea of “waiting” for things to get better.  We spend enough time waiting for traffic lights to change.

When life gets tough, think about the why behind YOU.  What drives you to get up every morning?

Sometimes you don’t know how something will work out.  Sometimes you don’t know why you’re creating in the first place.

Here’s an example – I never thought I would be standing on the TEDx stage, talking about “detours” leading to “unexpected flowers…”

And after the talk, I had NO idea I’d have to be “detouring” once again, when a triumphant story ending in marriage…

….vanished overnight.

Have you read a book that has helped you see differently?  Sometimes we just need to read the words of others to tell us something we’ve known all along.

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.

–Vera Nazarian

P.S. – Did a special someone ever give you a book that changed your life?  My brother gave me a mind-blowing read (to me, at least) read at eight years old – a “mysterious cure for boredom.”  

(Let’s just say I was really disappointed.)

How are you showing up for “work” today?

Everyone needs to figure out which livelihood is best for them. When it comes to travel, budget, saving money, making money, it always helps to know what resources are out there that can help. For example, there are great places out there like just like you sell their accident-damaged cars.

It always helps to reach out for help. Life is a job - but we don’t have to go it alone.

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