Step Into Joy Week 5: Walking Through Your Inner and Outer Worlds - Find Your Meditation Rhythm

"Every path, every street in the world is your walking meditation path." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Find Week 5 HERE.

Walking Meditation...many people do it. But how can you create a walking meditation that works for you on your walking path?

This week…all it takes is 10 steps wherever you are to make the imprint your want to leave - just for today!

For Week #5 There’s a ton of resources, partner exercises, and practices to experience on your own 10 steps (or more if you feel like it…)


  1. Feet Dialogues

  2. Playing With Rhythm

  3. Finding Zen in your room, office, city, nature in your steps

  4. Creative nuggets to enliven your walking meditation

  5. Walking to bring your inner and outer worlds together…

and more!

Click on this link to do Week #5 HERE.

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Find more resources at  (Check the prompts for weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 there!) and posted in our Step Into Joy Facebook Group -!

Join our zoom call this Sunday 4-5pm EST for more interactive activities, stories, discussion and sharing. I’ll be sending you the link this week, so subscribe at!

 One more week to go, walkers!

You can also share your discoveries on social media - whether it’s a sketch you’ve done, a map, photographs you’ve taken using the hashtag #stepintojoy OR #lovemydetour

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